


2005 年誕生,ENZO ANI 以獨特時尚兼具詩意優雅的絕美風格,成為全球夢幻婚紗品牌之一。品牌設計師 Kang Chun Lin 精準掌握新世紀女人內心的靈魂與渴望,強調女人獨有的腰身曲線,加上深厚的打版技術、搭配頭飾、腰帶等精緻配件,打造出柔美夢幻,且獨立自信的設計風格。ENZO ANI目前在全球超過 700 個零售據點,將女人們生命中最珍貴的一瞬,幻化為每一個無比動人的璀璨永恆!


每一個新娘,都值得最細膩溫柔的寵愛,在這個信念的背後,ENZO ANI 極盡用心於每件夢幻婚紗的精巧細緻製作。每一縷白紗、每一針繡線、每一條曲線、每一抹弧度,細細密密織出每個女人的夢幻新娘夢。

ENZO ANI 台北旗艦店,提供貼心的頂級婚紗訂做服務,讓每一位步入紅毯的新娘,能夠穿著專屬於自己的全新婚紗,展露出最自信的身形曲線,走向未來幸福人生。


設計師Homa Hou將三十年堅持的信念,灌注在每一件作品中。浪漫而簡約、性感而高雅、華麗而內斂,每一件作品皆帶著古典與現代的拉扯,如同解讀並訴說著女性複雜的內心世界。在這充滿訊息的創作過程,最終將透過「妳」,來將作品完成。


以高級定製服的理念與精神,MARQUESS & HOMA將獨特的布料透過扎實的製作工藝打造出一件件精湛的作品。世界級的設計使手藝的價值完美呈現,也唯有如此焠鍊的手藝得以成就Homa Hou的天馬行空於妳的眼前。



Elana Novia

歐美手工婚紗-精緻優雅的獨家款、限量款/歐 美手工婚紗禮服、歐美款大尺碼禮服、歐美款 媽媽禮服、小禮服『專門店』。我們的每一套 禮服都有她們迷人的故事就如同你們的愛情一 般! Elena Novia認為結婚禮服該經典、精緻、高雅 。最重要的『禮服的任務是能襯托出妳獨特的 氣質又能修飾小小不滿意的缺點!』在往後的 回憶中一輩子的難忘記憶~~ 來到Elana Novia歐美手工婚紗寬敞舒適超大的 夢幻更衣室我們可以優雅的喝上一杯好茶搭配 一點甜點宛如公主般慢慢挑選妳獨有嫁衣!


~Elana Novia歐美手工婚紗珍愛一眼命定~

Established in 2005, ENZO ANI becomes one of the global fairy wedding dress brand due to its unique, fashionable, poetic and elegant style. The brand designer Kang Chun Lin has an exact master of the soul and desires of the new -century women, focusing on the particular waist curve, along with the skillful patten techniques, headwear, waistband and other elaborate accessory, creating a soft, fantastic, independent and confident design. ENZO ANI has so far over 700 service points, making the every precious moment of life into a charming eternity!


Every bride is worthy of exquisite and gentle favor. Behind the belief, ENZO ANI studiously crafts every fairy wedding dress. Every ray of yarn and every thread, curve and arc weave the dream of bride.

ENZO ANI Taipei flagship store provides you with considerate and superb service of wedding dress weaving, making every bride-to-be wear her own exclusive new wedding dress, showing her most confident shape and marching towards happy life.

"The Classic Possesses Eternal Value"

The designer Homa Hou pours his thirty-year belief into every work, romantic and simple, sexy and elegant, luxurious and restraining. Every work is the combination of classicism and modernism, as if trying to interpret the complicated insight world of the women. During the informative creation processes, it’s you who help us finish the work.

Original ideal

Based on the ideal and spirit of producing senior customer-made clothes, MARQUESS & HOMA makes the particular cloth into subtle works by skillful crafts. The world-level design perfectly presents the value of the crafts and only by the refined skills can realize Homa Hou’s imaginary ideas coming into being.


From design to proofing and producing, the work team persisting in devoting themselves to the work in a one-hundred-ping workshop in order to meet the perfect requirements. This is a work of weaving happiness, every piece of concentration and persistence are for showing your radiance and being the most beautiful bride. We will present our most sincere wishes.


It is located in an alley of Songshan District and there are a group of romantic youths love designing wedding dress who are our solid supporters.

Leading by the designer who used to study in France and are professional pattern makers here to manufacture the wedding dress with perfect proportion for the eastern women; in addition, there are also a group of senior handmade masters, who immerse themselves in the wonderful atmosphere of producing formal attire.

Here you can choose any dress making from the importing clothes with professional tailor and design. There are various dresses for you to choose, apart from that, you can also tailor-making your exclusive formal attire.