

  • 田園風光‧四季美好





  • 花海爭艷‧美不勝收





  • 池上周邊年度活動推薦

    • 春季活動


      1-2月 油菜花 花東縱谷
      1-2月 花東海花季 花東縱谷
    • 夏季活動


      6-8月 池上竹筏季 池上鄉
      6-8月 國際熱氣球嘉年華 鹿野高台
      8月 金針花季 富里六十山、
    • 秋季活動


      11月 池上秋收稻穗藝術
    • 冬季活動


      12月 花東海花季 花東縱谷
      01月 縱谷迎曙光 花東縱谷
East Rift Valley
The all-season beautiful East Rift Valley worth tasting
  • 田園風光‧四季美好

    Pastoral views: all-season beautiful scenery

    The East Rift Valley locates between Central Mountain and Coastal Mountain, the unique land-form, the distinctive weather differences between day and night and the pure natural water from high mountain add special flavor to the rice. From the north to the south there are all premium rice production areas and the paddy views are stretching in every direction. Tourists can experience the green and golden flavor by the guidance of the farming sequence.

    【farming season】the farming season here divides into two times: the beginning of the year and July to August; the harvest season are in June and the end of the year.

    【recommended transportation】rent bikes form the resort

  • 花海爭艷‧美不勝收

    Flowers blooming, too beautiful to behold

    In August and September, the lily flower are in full bloom, "Liushishi Mountain" in Fuli enjoys the reputation of little Switzerland, you can have a glance at the beautiful and wide field scenery and endless lily flower in kopi bale and observatory station. Chike Mountain——see the famous three landscape stones in Yuli.December and the next January and February are the winter fallow periods, the farmer spread out a huge area of rape seeds as the green plants. The blooming rape flowers are warmly welcome the visitors.

    【Hakka Culture Garden】——seasonal flower landscape area furnished with wide footpath, ecological pools and exquisite local flowers, standing for the prosperous garden of Chinshang agricultural cultures.【The Golden Harvest Pavilion】there are cultural relic are, experience room and exhibition and selling center in Chinshang peasant associations sightseeing rice mill. Either reserving for visiting or taking part in agricultural experience courses are available, suitable for parents and children.

    【Recommended Transportation】either renting the bike from the resort or taking Sawyer MRT is accessible to the comfortable and easy traveling.

  • Recommended annual activities around Chinshang

    • 春季活動

      Spring Events

      January-February Rape flower East Rift Valley
      January-February Flowers season of East Rift Valley East Rift Valley
    • 夏季活動

      Summer Events

      July-August Chinshang bamboo rafting season Chinshang
      July-August Taiwan International Balloon Fiesta Luyeh Hill
      August Lily Flower season Fuli Liushishi Mountain、
      Yuli Chike Mountain、
      Taimali Golden Needle Mountain
    • 秋季活動

      Fall Events

      November Ear Festival of Chinshang autumn harvest
      Winter Offering Festival
    • 冬季活動

      Winter Events

      Mid of December Taitung Flower Season East Rift Valley
      January The dawn of East Rift Valley East Rift Valley